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Applications for Pre Kg, LKG, UKG & Std I are open for the academic year 2025 - 2026 Click Here To Apply


2022-06-30 (7)


Montfort school provides an excellent infrastructure and facilities to cater to the needs of its students. A lush of greenery can be experienced as one walks into the portals of Montfort. It has a wide green surrounding around the grounds margined with Shrubs and trees which helps create a conducive and inspiring atmosphere for learning. The Montfort’s Tercentenary Auditorium is known for its grandeur and touch. It provides a large platform to the students to develop and showcase their fine arts skills.


Laboratories for Physics, Biology, and Chemistry are well equipped stations of practical learning. Needless to say, the importance of Computer literacy and technology aided teaching and learning in computer labs, the digital learning supported by Smart and digital interactive panels make the learning joyful and effective.