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Sports & Games

Achievements in sports and games and Extra-curricular activities

The undying and the unfettering quest for excellence in sports and games has paraphrased her commanding feat in the field of education! Being mindful, Montfort framed and formulated a curriculum that calibrates the growth of physical skills to best advance the foresighted vision of the Montfortian education.


Significantly, our three expansive play grounds covering an area of more than 3 acres, breezy open courts for Basket ball and Badminton generate surplus opportunities by inching them forward to transform their seemingly intangible dreams into reality. Besides, they have regular physical education classes; and the aspiring athletes and players take up strenuous regular physical training.


Their steely resolve an irresistible yearning and are unique to make it to the summit of CBSE clusters both in Regional and National-level. Every striking performance of their hurtling desire won gold, silver and bronze medals and trophies. Our Senior/Senior secondary school and junior school students have made us all proud by winning ample laurels in various fields of sports and games. .


Encouraging the efforts of our young athletes and players, in due recognition, the school management offers fees concession for their achievements. To all its appearance, the play field educates the virtues of hardwork, self-discipline, comradeship and team spirit that lifts them to the summit of success.

Other Activities.

Students have a choice of interest, to develop their courage and conviction to undergo extensive training in NCC and Scout. The performance of our NCC cadets is splendid and praise worthy. Many Cadets have been witnessing the pride of receiving honors and dinning with the Former president Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam and the same with The honourable Prime minister of India, Narendra Modi.

In Sports and Games

Karate, Skating, Football and chess coaching is also offered to students of our school. Many have succeeded in their goals and have brought laurels to Montfort.