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School Song

School Song


Glory to thee Montfort
Glory to our Alma Mater
We honour and respect our teachers
Guiding stars
Glory to thee Montfort
Glory to our Alma Mater.


  1. Let peace and joy fill our hearts Be abiding us every morn When we sing with Louis Montfort Mighty God, You alone “In God we trust” is our noblest, faithful motto Let Love & Justice & Harmony be our passion Making developed nation is our cherished vision.
  2. Discipline and order lead us to progress and peace We’ll transform our Motherland Heaven of joy and His bliss Moulding children and youth in building the nation.
    Montfort School is the temple of education
    Making developed India is our cherished vision.


Lyrics : Rev.Bro. John Baptist SG.
Music : Mr. Agilan Rayan.