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Montfort Old Students Association (MONTOSA)

Montfort Old Students Association (MONTOSA)

The first chapter of the journey of reviving Montosa began 3 weeks before 28 may 2023. This huge step was initiated by Achith Devanand, a successful alumnus who gathered a mass of alumni volunteers within a matter of weeks. The following days were filled with hard work and dedication of building up everything from scratch including designing posters, banners, planning and executing events and so forth. On the day of the grand alumni meet, a crowd of 500 members of the Montfortian family gathered in our grounds.


It began with the hoisting of the official Montosa flag proceeded by music, dance and nothing but fun. The day was made more meaningful by hosting the blood donation camp alongside the partnership of Apollo hospitals, Trichy. The afternoon event happened inside the auditorium where the officially elected office bearers of Montosa for the year 2023-24, under the leadership of our principal, administered the oath, holding great responsibility and honesty to their respective positions.


Montosa ‘23 excelled not only in entertainment, but also in the legality of the association by taking efforts to draft the constitution, holding official elections, maintaining records and assigning recognised positions to the deserved. The huge success of Montosa marks the beginning of a long journey which will be travelled with the same excitement and enthusiasm as we believe alumni is not just a title but a commitment to the growth and success of our institution!